The world’s largest coin fair, the 48th World Money Fair 2019, took place from February 1st – to February 3rd, 2019. This largest coin fair worldwide brought together countless coin dealers, collectors, mints, retailers, wholesalers, producers, associations, machine manufacturers and national institutions from all over Europe. It is a platform unique in the world of coins.

Physical Bitcoins on the World Money Fair – Photo: Denarium
The theme for this year’s conference was: Creating Collectors in the Future or the Sustainability of the Numismatic ‘Industry’. Denarium is working on the crossroad between the new and old. Working in the ancient art of coin making and taking its inspiration from the past. Simultaneously, however, working in the latest branch of currency. Cryptocurrency.
It was good to recognize we are not working alone on this crossroad between old and new. We were able to make acquaintance with another cold storage coin, another physical bitcoin manufacturer and saw several cryptocurrencies themed coins surface on the conference.

Gold Bar – Photo: Denarium
It was great to see an overview of the coin making industry around the world, and have been able to make acquaintances and receive feedback. Furthermore, able to find new partnerships and solutions for our company. Overall it was a great experience to have been a part of the World Money Fair.
We were inspired to see so many different coin designs from all over the world and plan to be back next year with a booth to present our different coin models.
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